Researchers Database

Prof. Dr.

Frank Meisel

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Cooperations with companies
Cooperations for scientists
Purposes of doctorate

Personal data

Short description
Scientists in the field of mathematical optimization of water and land-based logistics systems from service, cost, and environmental perspectives.
Dipl.-Ing Traffic Engineering, TU Dresden, 2003
Dr. rer. pol Economics, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 2008
Research associate (doctorate, habilitation), Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (2004 - 2013)
Professor für Supply Chain Management, CAU Kiel (2014 - ongoing)

Research data

Research level
Area of research
Energy economics , Climate protection & Resources ,
Research topic
Maritime logistics, Transportation-related emissions, Carbon capture and storage, Intermodal transportation, Rural mobility, Mathematical optimization.
Research institute
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
Research institute location
Supply Chain Management

Publications and projects

Selected publications
Kirschstein, T.; Heinold, A.; Behnke, M.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C.: Eco-Labeling of Freight Transport Services: Design, Evaluation and Research Directions, Journal of Industrial Ecology 26 (2022), 801-814
Link to publication
Johnsen, L.; Meisel., F.: Interrelated Trips in the Rural Dial-a-Ride Problem with Autonomous Vehicles, European Journal of Operational Research 303 (2022), 201-219
Link to publication
Heinold, A.; Meisel, F.; Ulmer, M. W.: Primal-Dual Value Function Approximation for Stochastic Dynamic Intermodal Transportation with Eco-Labels, Transportation Science (in press)
Link to publication
Selected sponsored projects
CAPTN Energy - Wir bringen erneuerbare Energien zur maritimen Anwendung, BMBF WIR!-Programm, thyssenkrupp Marine System, FH Kiel u.a.m., insgesamt ca. 8 Mio. Euro (eigener Anteil ca. 700000 Euro)
Link to project
Förde 5G – Maritime Urbane Mobilität (Teilprojekt “Hafenlogistik”), BMVI, Seehafen Kiel, ADDIX, eigener Anteil ca. 100000 Euro
Strategies for the Evaluation and Assessment of Ocean Based Carbon Dioxide Removal (SEAO2-CDR), Arbeitspaket: Integrated Assessment of OCDR Deployment, Teilprojekt: Logistics and Operational Costs, EU, Zahlreiche Wissenschaftspartner auf Europäischem Ausland, eigener Anteil ca. 350000 Euro

Committees and Awards

Selected councils
Scientific Commission Logistics in the VHB e.V.
ThinkTank 'Logistics' of the Entrepreneur Association Logistics Schleswig-Holstein
Selected awards
Christian Wolff Prize for Habilitation Thesis from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 2014
DHL Best-Paper-Award 2021 by the Center of Excellence in Logistics/The German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB), 2021
Price (2nd place) for scientific, innovative, maritime research from Schleswig-Holstein for project "Optimization models for the control of shipping traffic in the Kiel Canal" awarded by Unternehmensberatung Schümann GmbH, 2018