Studies Database


University: Kiel University of Applied Sciences
Department: Agriculture
Location: Kiel
Degree: Master
Start of study:
Winter semester , Summer semester ,

Short description

The Master's degree course in Agricultural Management is divided into three semesters. The first two semesters are used to lay and deepen the foundations in production and business management. This knowledge is applied and expanded in two seminars. Students learn how to write and present an academic seminar paper. They deepen their knowledge in various subject areas. Students will be able to independently research, analyze and evaluate current management, political and market topics in the agricultural and food sector.

Facts about the study

Area of study
Climate protection & Resources ,
German ,
Standard period of study
3 Semesters
Costs per Semester
90,90 €
Admission requirements
A first professionally qualifying degree in agriculture with a grade of at least 2.8 or a closely related professionally qualifying degree with a grade of at least 2.8.
Occupational profiles
Agriculture, food industry, animal feed industry, authorities, research

Consulting and contact

+49 4331 845-138