Studies Database

Environmental and Resource Economics

University: Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
Department: Faculty of Economics & Social Sciences
Location: Kiel
Degree: Master
Start of study:
Winter semester , Summer semester ,

Short description

Environmental and Resource Economics addresses many interesting and pressing questions which are waiting to be solved: How to use the limited amount of resources available in a sustainable and optimal way? How can we protect our environment without giving up the standard of living we have? What instruments are best suited to achieve, e.g. climate protection or a transition to renewable energy? What value do we assign to environmental goods and services? Analysing those problems and finding answers to those questions requires strong methodological knowledge, which you will learn and expand upon in this programme. Apart from improving competence in applying analytical methods in the core subjects of environmental and resource economics, energy economics, microeconomics, economic dynamics as well as econometrics, the autonomous acquisition and adoption of important research methods during elective lectures and seminars is also a major focus of this programme.

Facts about the study

Area of study
Energy economics , Climate protection & Resources ,
English ,
Standard period of study
4 Semesters
Costs per Semester
277 €
Admission requirements
Bachelor's degree minimum grade 2.5, 35 ECTS from specific subject areas, English proficiency,
Occupational profiles
It is intended to enable graduates to take on responsible tasks in companies or in the higher service of public administration as well as in organizations and associations, to work as freelancers and to carry out independent scientific work.

Consulting and contact

+49 431 880 5630