Studies Database

Shipbuilding and Maritime Engineering

University: Kiel University of Applied Sciences
Department: Mechanical Engineering - Institute of Naval Architecture and Maritime Engineering
Location: Kiel
Degree: Bachelor
Start of study:
Winter semester ,

Short description

In the 7-semester shipbuilding program, prospective engineers learn all the technical fundamentals in a practical way so that they can later work successfully in this professional field. Examples of applied subjects are construction, equipment and strength as well as fluid mechanics, stability or design of ships. Other subjects are yacht design, CFD, FEM, fatigue strength, etc. A 3-semester master's degree is possible afterwards.

Facts about the study

Area of study
Energy engineering , Society & Transformation , Climate protection & Resources ,
German ,
Standard period of study
7 Semesters
Costs per Semester
274,9 €
Admission requirements
- general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or - subject-related university entrance qualification (Fachabitur) or - General or subject-linked entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (consisting of a school-based and a practical part) or - Successful completion of the master craftsman's examination or equivalent previous training - Preliminary internship: 12 weeks of internship, to be completed by the beginning of the 4th semester.
Occupational profiles
Shipbuilding engineer, offshore engineer, project engineer

Consulting and contact

0431 210-1338