Researchers Database


Andreas Würsig

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Purposes of doctorate

Personal data

Short description
I am currently head of the "Research Center for Applied Battery Technology, FAB-SH" at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology (ISIT). For more than 20 years I have been working on the development of advanced battery technologies, especially in the areas of cell manufacturing, system integration and characterization. After completing my chemistry studies, I received my PhD in 2005 from the PSI of ETH Zurich with a thesis on the characterization of electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. Since 2006, I have been working at the Fraunhofer Institute ISIT on the development of custom lithium battery cells and their adaptation to a wide variety of applications. My current research focuses on new high performance batteries, solvent-free manufacturing processes, new separator concepts and new cell monitoring technologies. I hold 2 patents and have published more than 20 papers.
Graduate chemist, TU-Freiberg, 2001
Dr. sc. nat., ETH Zurich, 2005
Research Associate, Fraunhofer ISIT (2006 - 2017)
Group Manager "Battery Systems for Special Applications", Fraunhofer ISIT (2017 - 2021)
Business Unit Manager FAB-SH, Fraunhofer ISIT (2022 - ongoing)

Research data

Research level
PhD candidate
Area of research
Energy engineering ,
Research topic
Lithium accumulators, post-lithium technologies, Si anodes, separator technology, dry coating, cell manufacturing, cell analytics, Sonsorik, BMS
Research institute
Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology
Research institute location
Fraunhofer ISIT

Publications and projects

Selected publications
H. Buqa, A. Wuersig, J. Vetter, M. E. Spahr, F. Krumeich, P. Novák, SEI film formation on highly crystalline graphitic materials in lithium-ion batteries, J. Power Source, 153 (2), 385-390, (2006)
Link to publication
A. Wuersig, W. Scheifele, P. Novak, CO2 gas evolution on cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, J. Electrochem. Soc., 154 (5), A449-454, (2007).
Link to publication
G. Neumann, A. Wuersig, Lithium storage in silicon, Phys. Status Solidi RRL, No. 1-2, A21-A23, (2010)
Link to publication
Selected sponsored projects
Power400 - Hochleistungsladesystem mit integriertem Pufferspeicher Finanzierung: Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Arbeit, Technologie und Tourismus des Landes Schleswig-Holstein im Rahmen des Landesprogramms Wirtschaft 2014-2020 mit EFRE-Mitteln und Landesmitteln nach Maßgabe der EUI-Richtlinie Verbundpartner: Fachhochschule Kiel | Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie | Custom Cells Itzehoe GmbH | Technische Hochschule Lübeck | Netz Lübeck GmbH Fördersumme: 785.601,00 € Laufzeit: 01.08.2019 bis 31.07.2022
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Kompetenzcluster Batterienutzungskonzepte (BattNutzung) Finanzierung: BMBF Laufzeit: 01.08.2019 bis 31.07.2022 Fördersumme: 3 Mio €
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Fraunhofer Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB Finanzierung: BMBF Laufzeit: 2019 bis 2028 Fördersumme: 680 Mio €
Link to project

Committees and Awards

Selected councils
Research cluster BattUse