Researchers Database


Ilja Tuschy

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Personal data

Short description
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ilja Tuschy was appointed Professor of Power Engineering in Mechanical Engineering at Flensburg UAS, now Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, in 2006. For more than 20 years, he has been involved in industry and science with the development, design and analysis of plants for the supply of electricity and heat. His work focuses on energy system analyses of power plant and other coupling processes as well as energy supply systems with storage components, such as compressed air storage power plants, CHP and power-to-heat plants, and heat grids with solar and geothermal elements and heat storage systems. Their operation is simulated on a component basis, evaluated techno-economically in the context of the surrounding energy supply system and optimized numerically. Ilja Tuschy is a founding member of the Center for Sustainable Energy Systems ZNES of the two Flensburg universities and heads the Thermal Energy Systems department there.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, 1996
Dr.-Ing., TU Dresden, 2001
Scientific Assistant & Freelancer, Energy Foundation Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (1996 - 2000)
Project Engineer in Research and Engineering, Technical Project Manager & Consultant New Power Plant Technologies and Thermodynamics, Alstom, Heidelberg and Mannheim (2000 - 2006)
Professorship Energy Technology in Mechanical Engineering, FH (today HS) Flensburg (2006 - ongoing)

Research data

Research level
Area of research
Energy engineering ,
Research topic
Energy system analysis, heat supply systems, sector coupling, combined heat and power, power-to-heat, heat storage, solar thermal, geothermal energy, compressed air storage, hybrid power plants
Research institute
Flensburg University
Research institute location
Department of Energy and Biotechnology
Professorship Energy Technology in Mechanical Engineering
Research institute 2
Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (ZNES) Flensburg
Research institute location 2

Publications and projects

Selected publications
Chen, C.; Witte, F.; Tuschy, I.; Kolditz, O. & Shao, H. Parametric optimization and comparative study of an organic Rankine cycle power plant for two-phase geothermal sources Energy, 2022, 123910
Link to publication
Witte, F. & Tuschy, I. TESPy: Thermal Engineering Systems in Python Journal of Open Source Software, The Open Journal, 2020, 5, 2178
Link to publication
Boysen, C.; Kaldemeyer, C.; Hilpert, S. & Tuschy, I. Integration of Flow Temperatures in Unit Commitment Models of Future District Heating Systems Energies, MDPI AG, 2019, 12, 1061
Link to publication
Selected sponsored projects
ENKF2020 Elektrizitätsnetzgekoppelte Fernwärmeversorgung, HWT-Programm der EKSH, 2016-2018
ANGUS II Nutzung des geologischen Untergrunds als Energiespeicher BMWi Energiespeicherprogramm, Projektträger Jülich, 2017-2021
Solarthermisch gestützte Nah- und Fernwärmeversorgung als Baustein der sektorengekoppelten Wärmewende in Schleswig-Holstein, HWT-Programm der EKSH, 2019-2021