Researchers Database

Prof. Dr.

Julian Jepsen

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Purposes of doctorate

Personal data

Short description
I work in the field of application-oriented research on energy storage systems in the form of hydrogen based on metal hydrides as well as their integration into existing application structures at the Helmholtz Center Hereon and Helmut Schmidt University. This research includes both the real construction of test facilities and the accompanying computer-based simulation (digital-twin). An additional focus is the coupling of different energy sectors for the integration of renewable energy with a volatile behavior as well as the compression of hydrogen via metal hydrides.
PhD Engineer (Materials Science), Helmut Schmidt University, 2013
Master of Science (Industrial Engineering), Wedel University of Applied Sciences, 2009
junior professor (2022 - ongoing)
Department Manager (2018 - ongoing)
Referendar (2014 - 2016)

Research data

Research level
Area of research
Energy engineering , Climate protection & Resources ,
Research topic
Hydrogen technology, hydrogen storage, hydrogen compression, sector coupling
Research institute
Helmholzt Center Hereon
Research institute location
Mechanical and civil engineering
Hydrogen technology
Research institute 2
Helmut Schmidt University
Research institute location 2
Department 2
Stationary and mobile storage
Institution 2
Applied materials engineering

Publications and projects

Selected publications
J. Jepsen, J. M. Bellosta von Colbe, T. Klassen, M. Dornheim, 2012, Economic potential of complex hydrides compared to conventional hydrogen storage systems, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
Link to publication
J. M. Bellosta von Colbe, J-R. Ares, J. Jepsen, et al., 2019, Application of hydrides in hydrogen storage and compression: Achievements, outlook and perspectives, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
Link to publication
D. Dreistadt, J. Puszkiel, J. M. Bellosta von Colbe, J. Jepsen, et al., 2022, A Novel Emergency Gas-to-Power System Based on an Efficient and Long-Lasting Solid-State Hydride Storage System: Modeling and Experimental Validation, Energies,
Link to publication
Selected sponsored projects
HyReflexS -Wasserstoffbasierte Notstromversorgung mit integriertem Regelkraftwerk mittels flexibler Sektorkopplung und Metallhydridspeichern
Link to project
Digi-HyPro - Digitalisierte Wasserstoffprozesskette für die Energiewende
Link to project
H2HybridTank - Demonstration eines kostengünstigen hybriden Druck- Festkörper-Wasserstoffspeicherfunktionsmodells für zukünftige Anwendung im PKW
Link to project

Committees and Awards

Selected councils
Reviewer for Carl Zeiss Foundation
Appointed member of the IG-7 Technical Committee
Professorial member of the Faculty Council
Selected awards
David Sanborn Scott Award, 2020
Heinz and Joachim Gretz Doctoral Award, 2014