Researchers Database

Prof. Dr.

Katrin Rehdanz

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Cooperations with companies
Cooperations for scientists

Personal data

Short description
My research focuses on quantitative environmental and energy economics. Questions about the preferences of the population for energy policy measures or the effects of energy and climate policy on households and firms are in the foreground. For my analyses, I particularly use microeconomic data of households and firms (official statistics (e.g. EVS, AFiD), panel studies (e.g. SOEP, KHPS) or own surveys).
Diplom-Volkswirtin, University of Hamburg, 1999
Doctorate, University of Hamburg, 2004
junior professorship (2007 - 2012)
Professorship for Environmental and Resource Economics (2012 - 2016)
Professorship for Environmental and Energy Economics (2016 - ongoing)

Research data

Research level
Area of research
Society & Transformation , Climate protection & Resources ,
Research topic
Energy policy, climate policy, willingness-to-pay analyses, energy demand.
Research institute
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
Research institute location
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Economics
Environmental and energy economics

Publications and projects

Selected publications
Jacksohn, A., Tovar Reaños, M.A., Pothen, F., and K. Rehdanz (2023) Trends in household demand and greenhouse gas footprints in Germany: Evidence from microdata of the last 20 years. Ecological Economics, 108, 107757,
Link to publication
Sundt, S., Rehdanz, K., and J. Meyerhoff. (2020) Consumers’ Willingness to Accept Time-of-Use Tariffs for Shifting Electricity Demand. Energies, 13 1895,
Link to publication
Merk, C., Rehdanz, K. and C. Schröder (2019) How consumers trade off supply security and green electricity: evidence from Germany and Great Britain, Energy Economics, 84 Supplement 1,
Link to publication
Selected sponsored projects
iReliefs - Indirekte Rebound‐Effekte. Lebensstilsegmentierung und Interventionen mit Effektivitäts‐Feedback und Suffizienz, BMBF, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Universität Potsdam, 07/2018-12/2021
Link to project

Committees and Awards

Selected councils
Kiel Marine Science (CAU)
Member of the DFG Permanent Senate Commission on Fundamental Questions of Biodiversity