Researchers Database

Paula Walk


Personal data

Short description
Paula Walk has been a research assistant at the European University Flensburg in the Department of Energy and Environmental Management since January 2022. At the beginning of 2018, she started working as a student assistant at TU Berlin in the junior research group "CoalExit". From January 2020 to December 2021, she worked there as a research assistant and started her PhD on coal exit and structural change in Germany and the UK. She is also a doctoral fellow of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. In her qualitative research, she investigates how policy measures can effectively and socially justly shape coal phase-out processes, but also renewable energy phase-in processes (e.g. green hydrogen). She focuses on distributional effects of structural change processes and analyzes gender implications in particular.
Economics, University of Potsdam, 2020
Research Assistant TU Berlin (2020 - 2021)
Research Assistant European University Flensburg (2022 - ongoing)

Research data

Research level
PhD candidate
Area of research
Energy economics , Society & Transformation ,
Research topic
Just Transition, coal phase-out, structural change, socially just entry into renewable energies (e.g. green hydrogen), gender research, qualitative research
Research institute
European University Flensburg
Research institute location
Energy and environmental management

Publications and projects

Selected publications
Walk, P./ Stognief, N. (2022): From coal phase-out to net zero: Driving factors of UK climate policy. Environmental Science and Policy 138.
Link to publication
Braunger, I./ Walk, P. (2022): Power in transitions: Gendered power asymmetries in the United Kingdom and the United States coal transitions. Energy Research & Social Science 87: 102474
Link to publication