Researchers Database

Prof. Dr.

Silja Klepp

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Personal data

Short description
Silja Klepp is Professor of Human Geography at Kiel University and holds the UNESCO Chair of Integrated Marine Science. Since her training in cultural anthropology, she has worked in interdisciplinary contexts. Teaching and research relate to human-environment relations in the Anthropocene, especially the social consequences of climate change, environmental justice, and social-ecological transformation. She is co-founder of the environmental justice network EnJust. To find inclusive and creative ways for science, Silja Klepp also works with transdisciplinary approaches and artistic research.

Research data

Research level
Area of research
Society & Transformation ,
Research topic
Social-ecological transformation, energy transformation in SH; social dynamics in coastal areas, environmental justice, climate justice, climate governance, rights development in society, Science and Technology Studies.
Research institute
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
Research institute location
Math.-Nat. faculty
Social geography of coasts and seas

Publications and projects

Selected publications
Bercht, A. L., Hein, J. und S. Klepp (Hrsg.) (2021): Climate and marine justice - debates and critical perspectives (Special Issue). Geographica Helvetica 75/76
Link to publication
Klepp, S. und L. Chavez-Rodriguez (Hrsg.) (2018): A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies, and Practices. Routledge Series: Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research. London/ New York.
Link to publication
Selected sponsored projects
Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Entwicklung neuer Strukturen für grünen Wasserstoff in Schleswig-Holstein
Link to project
Enjust Netzwerk für Umweltgerechtigkeit
Link to project
Klimaschutz und Resilienz durch kommunale Suffizienzpolitik in ländlichen Räumen
Link to project