Researchers Database

Prof. Dr.

Sonja Peterson

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Personal data

Short description
Sonja Peterson has been researching and advising on climate policy issues in the international, European and German context for 20 years. One focus is on environmental policy instruments and especially on European and international emissions trading. In particular, the climate-economy model DART, which Sonja Peterson played a major role in developing, is used for analyses. Her research has focused on the welfare and allocation effects of the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, EU climate policy and especially European emissions trading and border adjustment measures, as well as on the optimal design of policy measures.
MA in Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1998
Diploma in Business Mathematics, University of Hamburg, 1999
Dr. agr., University of Kiel, 2002
Head of Research Department "Environment and Natural Resources" at Kiel Institute for the World Economy (2005 - 2010)
Senior positions in science management at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (2010 - ongoing)
Honorary Professorship for Climate and Energy Policy at the University of Kiel (2017 - ongoing)

Research data

Research level
Area of research
Energy economics , Society & Transformation , Climate protection & Resources ,
Research topic
International climate policy, EU climate policy, emissions trading, CO2 pricing, environmental policy instruments
Research institute
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Research institute location
Global Commons and Climate Policy

Publications and projects

Selected publications
Böhringer, Chr., S. Peterson, T. Rutherford., J. Schneider & M. Winkler (2021). Climate Policies after Paris: Pledge, Trade and Recycle. Insights from the 36th Energy Modeling Forum Study (EMF36). Energy Economics 104.
Link to publication
Hintermann, B., S. Peterson & W. Rickels (2016). Price and market behavior in phase II of the EU ETS. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 10(1): 108-128.
Link to publication
Klepper, G. & S. Peterson (2006). Emissions Trading, CDM, JI and More – The Climate Strategy of the EU. The Energy Journal 27(2), 1-26.
Link to publication
Selected sponsored projects
“Carbon Pricing after Paris (CarPri)”. BMBF Programm: Ökonomie des Klimawandels, 2018 – 2022:
Link to project
POEM: Policy options to engage emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto Regime, Coordination and supporting action 7th EU Frameworkprogram, 2009-2011
KlimaF-I: Der klimapolitische Beitrag von Forschungs- und Innovationsmaßnahmen BMBF. 2022-2025
Link to project

Committees and Awards

Selected councils
Scientific Advisory Board Environmental Research Centre (UFZ) Halle-Leipzig
Advisory Council for Energy Transition and Climate Protection (Energiewendebeirat), Schleswig-Holstein
Selected awards
Fulbright Scholarship