Researchers Database

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Veronika Hellwig

Schwedisch (2. Muttersprache)
Contact me for:
Cooperations with companies
Cooperations for scientists
Purposes of doctorate

Personal data

Short description
Natural products chemist and university lecturer at the interface of teaching (analytical chemistry), research (Center for Industrial Biotechnology) and transfer
Doctorate, LMU Munich, 1999
Diploma (Chemistry), U Bonn, 1994
Vordiplom, U Freiburg, 1991
Professorship Analytical Chemistry (2009 - ongoing)
Junior Professor of Ecological Chemistry, Leuphana University Lüneburg and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (2006 - 2009)
Head of Laboratory Drug Discovery, Bayer AG/Bayer HealthCare (1999 - 2005)

Research data

Research level
Area of research
Energy engineering , Climate protection & Resources ,
Research topic
Material and energetic utilization of renewable raw materials and biogenic residues, treatment of process and waste water, transfer of analytical methods to industrial practice
Research institute
Lübeck University of Technology
Research institute location
FB Applied Natural Sciences
Center for Industrial Biotechnology CIB
Chair of Analytical Chemistry & Instrumental Analysis

Publications and projects

Selected publications
Hellwig, V., Gasser, J. Polyphenols from waste streams of food industry: valorisation of blanch water from marzipan production. Phytochem Rev 19, 1539–1546 (2020).
Link to publication
Hellwig, V. (2011). Effects of Persistent Polutants on Marine Mammals. In: Quante, M., Ebinghaus, R., Flöser, G. (eds) Persistent Pollution – Past, Present and Future. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Link to publication
Hellwig, V., Dasenbrock, J., Gräf, C., Kahner, L., Schumann, S., Steglich W. Calopins and Cyclocalopins − Bitter Principles from Boletus calopus and Related Mushrooms. Eur J Org Chem 2002 (17), 2895-2904 (2002).
Link to publication
Selected sponsored projects
Lübecker Reste (Lübecker Reststoffverwertung), EKSH HWT, Partner: H. & J. Brüggen KG, J.G. Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG, foodRegio e.V., IHK zu Lübeck, Stadtwerke Lübeck Energie GmbH (Lübeck); EKSH-Förderung: 84.503,43 Euro, Laufzeit: 07/2023 – 12/2024
Link to project
Hansebelt Innovationsmatrix Lübeck (Fokusfeld Ernährung/Bioökonomie), Partner: Ernährungsmedizin (Universität zu Lübeck), foodRegio e.V.
Link to project
VEREMA (Stoffliche VErwertung von REststoffen der MArzipan-Industrie), BMBF 13FH018IX5 IngNachwuchs, Partner: Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG; Förderung ca. 430.000 Euro, Laufzeit 05/2015-04/2020
Link to project

Committees and Awards

Selected councils
BaMS Innovation Space (Advisory Board)
Nordverbund Marine Biotechnology (Board Member)
ASIIN Expert Committee 09 Chemistry, Pharmacy